Thursday, October 8, 2009

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Monday, August 24, 2009

Kepiting Berwajah Unik

kepiting unik

DUA kepiting bakau menyita perhatian publik Jambi. Bukan sembarang kepiting. Satwa laut yang ditangkap nelayan Kampung Laut, Kabupaten Tanjung Timur, Provinsi Jambi itu memiliki bentuk langka.

Tidak seperti umumnya kepiting, memang. Temuan nelayan ini bagian tempurungnya mirip tubuh manusia. Inilah yang memikat masyarakat jambi, termasuk pengunjung Hari Keluarga Nasional (Harganas) di Jambi, Kamis 17 April 2008.

“Saya perhatikan memang tempurung atas kepiting itu, memang mirip tubuh manusia,” tutur Jumedi, staf DKP Tanjabtim, Jumedi. Itu kesaksian satu dari sekian banyak publik Jambi yang penasaran terhadap kepiting unit itu.

Kedua kepiting itu, beratnya, masing-masing 7,5 ons. Mulai kepala, mata, hidung. mulut, tangan dan hingga badan kepiting mirip manusia. Kepiting langka ini dijual seharga Rp 60.000 per kg.

Kepiting hasil budidaya di air asin ini memiliki rasa lebih gurih dari kepiting umumnya. Tak hanya tubuhnya yang unik, kepiting yang mampu bertahan hidup sepekan tanpa air di darat ini, ditangkap nelayan dengan cara unik.

Ikan ini dipancing menggunakan kapur sirih. “Jika garisan-garisan di tempurung kepiting ini diperjelas, sangat mirip tubuh manusia,” tegas Kepala DKP Provinsi Jambi, Herman Suherman.

“Kalau ditanya, mengapa bisa mirip manusia, tanya saja sama yang menciptakannya,” seloroh Herman. Bisa jadi canda Herman, sekadar memupus alam rasionalitas warga Jambi yang penasaran.

Namun, tak menutup kemungkinan juga sebuah jawaban ala sufisme. Mengapa? Jelas memang nelayan yang menangkap dan membudidayakan kepting bakau, tak pernah membayangkan aspek unik dan langka dari satwa tersebut.

Budidaya hanya bagian pengembangan bisnis di sektor perikanan di Kampung Laut. Tentu yang dimaksud Herman, bukan nelayan pembudidaya kepiting. Bukan pula karya ahli-ahli hebat perikanan yang mendapat tugas mengembangkan kepiting bakau.

Kausalitas bentuk unik kepiting bakau ini sama halnya dengan misteri keragaman bentuk manusia itu sendiri. Tak seorang pun di jagad ini memiliki kesamaan rupa, meskipun dilahirkan kembar siam.

Lalu, jika kita cari jawaban pada kedalaman hati kita, apa makna kepiting mirip manusia ini? Tak seorang pun manusia bisa memastikan. Bukankah sudah menjadi hukum alam, ketidakpastian itu sendiri yang pasti di alam fana ini.

Jelaslah, keunikan, keanehan, dan kelangkaan kepiting bakau Kampung Laut itu menjadi tanda pengingat masyarakat Jambi, Indonesia umumnya.

Pengingat eksistensi Allah SWT. Allah Maha Karya, Maha Besar, Maha Pintar, Maha Kaya, Maha Kuasa untuk menciptakan apapun yang diinginkan-Nya. Menciptakan manusia mirip kepiting pun, tak ada yang mampu merintangi.

Saatnya kita menyadari betapa kecilnya kita. Kecil ilmu, kecil kecerdasan, kecil apapun yang tak bisa dibandingkan dengan-Nya. Hanya membangun sikap dan perbuatan baik secara konkret menjadi pintu menuju Allah SWT.

Kita manusia hanya hamba-hamba Allah!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

"Rumusan Rahasia Blogging"

"Rumusan Rahasia Blogging"

  • Rumusan ini membuat saya bisa melipatgandakan penjualan 500%!

  • Rumusan ini membantu saya meningkatkan traffic 10.000%, dari 50 menjadi 5000 pengunjung per hari, dan itu masih berlanjut!

  • Rumusan ini membuat saya bisa memancing 200an komentar di setiap posting yang saya buat.

  • Rumusan ini menjadikan masuk kategori 0.05% ranking tertinggi di Alexa (<>

Dan berita baiknya, rumusan ini saya tawarkan kepada anda!

Rumusan Rahasia Blogging bukanlah informasi sembarangan. Anda akan dapatkan cara ampuh membuat blog anda sukses spektakuler. Semua dibahas secara detail dan setahap demi setahap yang dibagi dalam 7 modul. Dan ingat, ini adalah ilmu yang seharusnya saya sembunyikan dan pegang erat-erat!

Secara detail, berikut materi modul yang akan anda dapatkan:

Misi Penting dan Sangat Serius Yang Harus Anda Pegang Sebelum Memulai Blogging

Pada modul pertama, kita akan mengulas pondasinya dulu. Yaitu pengenalan blog serta yang lebih penting adalah misi dan pola pikir anda. Jika ini anda lewatkan, maka akan mempengaruhi potensi income anda nantinya.

Siapapun anda, masih nol besar, atau sudah mengelola blog saat ini, saya akan menunjukkan pentingnya pola pikir ini sebagai hal terpenting dalam proses penciptaan blog berkualitas. Anda akan dituntun bagaimana memulai blog dari start yang benar dulu sehingga bisa menjamin kesuksesan anda.

Bagaimana Langkah Awal Merancang Blog dan Mengoptimasinya Hingga Menghasilkan Profit Tanpa Henti.

Modul kedua adalah pembahasan masalah mendasar tapi termasuk vital. Jangan beranjak ke modul berikutnya sebelum anda membaca dan memahami sepenuhnya bagaimana merencanakan blog yang baik.

Ini bisa menjadi panduan berharga bagi anda yang masih baru, tapi penting juga untuk anda yang sudah cukup mengenal blog.

Bagaimana Menyajikan Content Blog Yang Menghisap Pembaca dan Membuatnya Ketagihan.

Di modul ini, anda akan temukan prinsip utama cara menciptakan content yang tidak hanya dinikmati oleh pembaca, tapi juga membuat mereka kembali dan kembali lagi.

Kemampuan untuk membuat mereka ketagihan dengan materi anda adalah kemampuan vital yang mungkin kurang anda kuasai saat ini. Sejak saat ini, anda harus mengasahnya jika ingin punya penghasilan ratusan juta rupiah dari blog.

Metode Yang Saya Pakai Untuk Menghasilkan 7000 Pengunjung Blog Per Hari

Saya menghasilkan 7000 pengunjung dalam waktu singkat. Dan di modul ini saya akan beberkan apa saja strategi traffic yang saya gunakan hingga mengalami peningkatan jumlah kunjungan secepat itu.

Beberapa merupakan teknik dasar yang mungkin anda sudah tahu, tapi tidak sedikit juga teknik yang saya kembangkan sendiri sehingga menghasilkan aliran traffic tanpa henti.

Metode Traffic Lanjutan Yang Akan Melipatgandakan Jumlah Pengunjung Anda

Ini yang saya sebut strategi melipatgandakan traffic. Setelah anda menerapkan strategi ini, traffic anda akan berkembang lebih besar lagi. Tapi, anda harus melakukan kerja ekstra agar teknik ini bisa jalan.

Terdapat beberapa strategi yang akan mengubah anda dari blogger rata-rata menjadi super blogger dengan ribuan pembaca setia.

Bagaimana Menyulap Blog Anda Menjadi Mesin Pencetak Uang

Modul ini akan mebahas metode langkah demi langkah yang memungkinkan anda menghasilkan profit jauh lebih banyak dari yang bisa anda pikirkan.

Temukan setiap teknik dan rahasia tersembunyi yang saya gunakan untuk meraih profit dari blog. Secara langsung ataupun tidak langsung. Dan yang paling penting, apa yang perlu anda lakukan untuk memaksimalkan profit.

Bagaimana Membuat Blog Anda Menghasilkan Uang Lebih Banyak dengan Beban Kerja Jauh Lebih Sedikit

Sekarang menginjak ke pertumbuhan income berlipat dan kebebasan sejati.

Anda akan temukan bagaimana mengerjakan tugas harian anda sebagai blogger dengan lebih efektif. Hasilnya, anda akan mengurangi beban kerja, namun di saat yang bersamaan, anda mampu meningkatkan profit lebih besar dan besar lagi.

Ketujuh modul utama di atas berisi pondasi pembelajaran yang sangat lengkap untuk menciptakan blog sukses spektakuler. Saya yakin anda akan sependapat dengan member RahasiaBlogging sebelumnya bahwa informasi yang saya tawarkan merupakan panduan blogging terbaik, terlengkap dan menyeluruh... khususnya di Indonesia.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

obat bius untuk memperkosa

obat ini dibuat secara murah meriah namun hasilnya manjur lumayan ketimbang lumayun

nih ceritanya cara meracik obat :
1. ambil sprite boleh yang zero atau yang biasa
2. tambahkan obat tetes mata
3. aduk hingga tercampur
4. sajikan .... bisa untuk 4 porsi wkwkwkwkwk
5. adapun ketahanan lamanya proses bius belum diuji coba, jadi segera lalukan kegiatan anda secepat mungkin
6. pergunakan hanya untuk hal hal positif saja, karena jika untuk hal negatif ya sepanndai-pandainya tupai melompat pasti akan jatuh juga, serapat-rapatnya menyimpan bangkai pasti tercium juga

moga bermanfaat..

Monday, July 13, 2009

jual dom ain murah nih

Google PageRank (without www) 3 (Valid)
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Saturday, July 11, 2009

memek kakak ipar

How To Apply Lipstick To Stay Put On Longer Properly?
Lipstick ! This cosmetic product that every woman have in her handbag adds color to the face and gives a finished look. A swipe of well-chosen lipstick can be all thats needed to transform your look.

The lips as well as the eyes are the most important area in your makeup and thats why the lipstick is the most popular makeup product in the world. Nowadays there is a wide range of lipsticks numerous shades, textures and brands.

Most of the lipsticks contain moisturizing ingredients, vitamins, UV protection, oils, waxes and emollients that apply color and texture to the lips. Keep your lips as smooth as possible before you apply the lipstick - apply a lip balm, Vaseline, honey or lip cream every day to keep your lips hydrated, soft and to avoid chapping.

Benefits of applying lipstick :

Adds final touch to your makeup
Nourish and moisturize your lips
Adds color to the lips
Transforms your look
Perfects the shape of your lips
Enhances the beauty of your lips
The fastest and the easiest way to emphasize your look

How to apply lipstick properly:

Step 1 ; Exfoliate and moisturize your lips

When you exfoliate your face don't forget to pay attention to the lips. Exfoliate them gently using a toothbrush and a mild exfoliator. Apply a lip balm daily to keep your lips hydrated and soft. Instead of a lip balm you can use petroleum jelly or honey.

Step 2 ; Outline your lips with a lip liner

Always apply lip liner prior to applying the lipstick. Outlining the lips with a lip pencil helps to keep the color from bleeding. The lip pencil allows your lipstick or lip gloss to last longer by creating a base for your lipstick.

When drawing the lip line you give more definition to your lips and if you use the lip liner properly you can make your lips look bigger and fuller. Use a lip pencil a shade darker than your lipstick color.

Start drawing at the centre of your upper lip and slowly move to the centre of the bottom lip. Don't forget to line the corners of your mouth.

Step 3 ; Put on some foundation or powder

Applying a dusting of powder or a bit of foundation to the lips helps maximize the lipsticks staying power. The foundation or the powder should be the same shade that you are using for your face. Applying a bit of foundation to your lips creates a perfect base for the lipstick and emphasizes its color.

Step 4 ; Apply the lipstick

You can apply lipstick using a lipstick brush or straight from the tube. The lipstick brushes are small, flat brushes.. they can be used for outlining the lips as well as applying the color for a longer lasting lipstick color. I personally think that a lipstick should always be applied with a brush.. the brush maximize the lipsticks staying powder and provides an even application.

Run the brush on the lipstick from side to side so that it has enough lipstick on it. Always start the lipstick application at the centre of your lips. Open your mouth slightly and brush on color starting from the centre of your lips to the corners. Always apply the lipstick to the upper lip first, using as little lipstick as possible with a firm and even strokes.

Step 5 ; Blot your lips

Always remove the excess color from your lips. Blot your lips with a tissue to absorb the excess color and apply a second layer of the lipstick.

Step 6 ; Add lip shine

If you want to add shine to your lips use a lip gloss. Apply it on to the centre of your lips and spread it out to make your lips fuller.

Useful Beauty Tips:

The right lipstick can look fantastic on cheeks ? Yes, you can use your lipstick as blush, but don't apply it straight from the bullet. Dab it only lightly with your finger, and blend until you achieve a natural color.

If your lips are thin, commit drawing your lips with a lip pencil close to your lip color and fill in with lipstick or lip-gloss. Use light shades to make them appear fuller. Using only a lip gloss will also give the illusion of fuller lips.

If your lips are too full, blot the entire lip out using a concealer and redraw just within the line with a darker tone of lipstick or lip-gloss.

Use two different lipstick, one for the day and one for the evening. During the day wear a light shade and for the evening apply one with saturated shade reds, bronzes, browns and corals. when wearing a strong lipstick colors, keep cheeks and eyes neutral, choose pale pinks, beiges, browns and plums. This will complement the lips without drawing attention away from them for a truly fabulous look.

If your lipstick feather into the lines around your lips,switch to a less creamy lipstick and powder your lips with loose powder before applying it.

When re-applying lipstick or lip gloss, make sure you get all the old stuff off first.

Use a nude lip liner to make your lip gloss stay put on longer it gives the gloss something to adhere to.

Be sure you use lipstick of a good quality.

If your skin is mature avoid using heavy lipsticks as they draw attention to any fine lines around the mouth.

Creamy lipsticks go on more easily and are better for moisturizing your lips.

Treat chapped lips by hydrating them with warm water from a damp washcloth and coating them with lip balm or Vaseline.

Use a lip liner that matches your lipstick.

To make the finish last longer, blot colored lips with a tissue, dab on a little face powder and then apply a second layer of color.

Never lick your lips because doing so will serve them to dry out more.

Exfoliate your lips regularly with a mild exfoliator.

To keep your lips soft apply a lip balm every day.

When you want to buy new lipstick don’t apply any makeup.

Don’t try to test lipstick on your hand - it’s nothing like your lip shade.

Apply foundation on face powder over your lips to create a base for your lipstick.

To prevent lipstick on your teeth make an “O“ with your mouth and put your finger in.

Use a fresh shaped lip pencil.

Never use lip liner that is too dark than your lipstick color.

Always use a brush to apply the lipstick.

Applying lipstick vertically will help you hide lip lines.

Applying thinner layers will give you a better look.

Always apply the lipstick at the end and reapply it frequently.

Apply honey to the lips to nourish and moisturize them.

Friday, June 12, 2009

How To Apply Lipstick To Stay Put On Longer Properly?

Lipstick !

lipThis cosmetic product that every woman have in her handbag adds color to the face and gives a finished look. A swipe of well-chosen lipstick can be all thats needed to transform your look.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Self Defense Tips for Women

Self Defense & Safety for Women: Protecting Yourself from Crime is Important

untitled11Paying attention to your persona
If someone does either grab or demand your purse, give it to him; it’s not worth risking yourself for whatever’s in there! If your purse is large or heavy, you may be able to belt someone with it if you need to, but if you hit someone with your purse, don’t be a sissy about it: pack a wallop that will hopefully knock the guy down and preferably out.


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Antivirus Support Services : Get fast anti virus help and spyware removal support

untitled1Computer viruses and malware can be deadly and come out of nowhere to spoil your PC’s functionality. Every computer with internet connectivity is at risk of getting infected by PC threats including Trojans, spyware, adware, key loggers, and the list continues. However, you can take measures against them with the help of an effective anti virus support program.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Computer Backup Solutions - All Systems Go?

images-2_full1The subject of computer backups has always been a topic of importance when it comes to preserving the data on your computer. These days there are more options available to you in this arena, which can be both a help and a hindrance. On one hand, having more options is helpful because better solutions have been brought to the marketplace from which you can now choose to fit your needs. A hindrance exists in that the multitude of choices might scare off users and cause them to avoid the issue altogether, which can have a disastrous ending.


Monday, June 8, 2009

How To Do Pedicure At Home

A well done pedicure can enhance the appearance of your feet and toenails which are often a neglected part of the body. Pedicure includes trimming, shaping, polishing toenails, as well as feet massage.

You will need:


Sunday, June 7, 2009


Once upon a time there was a happy couple who have a beautiful daughter. Her name was cinderella.they’re live happily in a village. But one day her mother get a serious disease. And make make her mother die.


Saturday, June 6, 2009

The first computer I bought had Microsoft Windows pre-installed

The first computer I bought had Microsoft Windows pre-installed, and that was the only operating system I knew for several years after I first started using the internet. Well known for the occasional outbreaks of computer viruses, which often make headline news, and then there are the Trojans and key logging problems as well with Windows.


Friday, June 5, 2009

What Can I Do To Help My Child Learn to Read At An Earlier Age?

Reading readiness is defined as the point at which a child is truly ready to learn how to read. Even though learning oral language comes naturally to humans, learning to read does not. We must go through a formal process of instruction before we can read.

Keep in mind that every child is different. Reading readiness varies greatly from one person to the next, and one teaching method may not work for every child. What worked for Steve may not work for Johnny, and what works for Johnny may not work for Amy.
